
Charged lepton flavour violation at colliders

Searches for charged lepton flavour violation at colliders

Searches for charged lepton flavour violation at colliders

Searches for CLFV at Current and Future Colliders

Searches for CLFV at Current and Future Colliders

Charged lepton flavour violation

In the standard model the three lepton flavours are separately conserved. The observation of neutrino oscillations and thus neutrino masses clearly established the violation of two linear combinations of the lepton flavour numbers. This implies the existence of charged lepton flavour violating processes, where charged leptons change flavour in absence of neutrinos. These processes exist, but are extremely small if induced by the three active light neutrinos due to unitarity of the leptonic mixing matrix and the smallness of neutrino masses.

Charged lepton flavour violation

LHC vs. Precision Experiments - A Comparison of the sensitivity to LFV D6 operators QQLL

LHC vs. Precision Experiments - A Comparison of the sensitivity to LFV D6 operators QQLL

LHC vs. Precision Experiments - A Comparison of LFV D6 Operators QQLL at the LHC and Precision Experiments